Quotation of the Day: Cato’s Gene Healy on the Constitution and the President’s Powers

If the men who wrote the Constitution thought the president should have Chuck Norris-level powers, they would have specified that in the text of the document, just as they specified Congress’s enumerated powers in Article I, Section 8. Let’s stop pretending that the President of the United States is a Hollywood action/thriller star, and start treating him like the just-a-man he is. (Keep reading)

Why Are Nick Confessore’s First Amendment Rights Any More Sacrosanct Than, Say, Sheldon Adelson’s?

I wish reporters would be honest about why they keep trotting out the same, tired campaign finance tropes they’ve been propagating for over 50 years. (Keep reading)

Archaeologist William Kelso Has Discovered Evidence of Cannibalism at Historic Jamestowne

I probably never would have known about a fascinating archaeological discovery about life in the New World if I didn’t accidentally miss visiting Historic Jamestowne when I was in southeastern Virginia last winter. (Keep reading)