SCOTUS Rules 5-4 in Favor of First Amendment in McCutcheon v. FEC

If you hated the ruling Citizens United because it steered money away from candidates and parties, you should love the ruling in McCutcheon. (Keep reading)

P.J. O’Rourke, Ilya Shapiro, Trevor Burrus, and Gabriel Latner* Co-authored an Amici Curiae Brief, and It’s as Awesome as You’d Think It’d Be

The entire thing is a hair over 20 pages, and well worth your time — I’ve pulled some highlights for you, but you should really read the whole thing. (Keep reading)

Why Are Nick Confessore’s First Amendment Rights Any More Sacrosanct Than, Say, Sheldon Adelson’s?

I wish reporters would be honest about why they keep trotting out the same, tired campaign finance tropes they’ve been propagating for over 50 years. (Keep reading)

Day 36/366.....I Voted

Millions of Americans today are attracted to the independent label. Parties have a bad reputation—both major parties are viewed unfavorably by a majority of Americans—and there’s something appealing about the idea of thinking independently rather than blindly supporting a party. But in fact, the large majority of independents are “closet partisans” who consistently support only one party’s candidates. They call themselves independents and many of them register as independents when given an opportunity, but they vote like partisans. That was certainly true in the last election cycle.

(Politico Magazine, “The Partisans in the Closet“)

Digital 4th Campaign Becomes First, Possibly Only, Group to Make Tech Policy Hip with New ECPA Reform Video

The pace of technological innovation is astronomically faster than the pace of legislation and/or regulation. It’s time to update the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, and this awesome video explains why. (Keep reading)

Federal Election Commissioner Ann Ravel: Tea Party Leadership Fund Hasn’t Suffered Enough Yet to Deserve Liberty

It’s a sad day when being being treated equally before the law is contingent upon one person’s interpretation of how much or if you’ve suffered from government harassment. (Keep reading)

Archaeologist William Kelso Has Discovered Evidence of Cannibalism at Historic Jamestowne

I probably never would have known about a fascinating archaeological discovery about life in the New World if I didn’t accidentally miss visiting Historic Jamestowne when I was in southeastern Virginia last winter. (Keep reading)